SPA by Clarins

Illustration catégorie spa by Clarins


The Spa by Clarins is extending its offer and well-being expertise with the Centre for Wellness which offers five new dedicated tailor-made programmes for a deep, all-encompassing experience. To develop them the Spa by Clarins is surrounded by experts in well-being and nutrition, which, combined with innovative technologies such as cryotherapy, ICOONE® Roboderm® or the Tanita scales, make it possible to achieve various goals: from weight loss to muscle building, from well-being to minor everyday ailments.



  • NEW LIFE & YOUNG MUM : for all women who are expecting a child or have just become mothers. This programme allows you to prepare for the arrival of your child, to erase the minor ailments associated with pregnancy. Regain your energy and vitality and reclaim your body when baby arrives.

  • SPORT & RECOVERY : for all beginners or experienced athletes, the programme adapts to your needs. It allows you to gently take up sport again and to improve your sporting abilities. Optimises recovery and fitness after exercise.

  • SILHOUETTE & BIKINI : for women who want to refine and redefine their silhouette. Get back to your fighting weight by including all the right habits.

  • ANTI-AGING & BEAUTY : for anyone who wants regain radiance, youth and firmness. This tailor-made programme helps prevent and correct the signs of aging, restores radiance and youth thanks to our tailor-made protocols created by our experts, combining cutting-edge technology and Clarins expertise.

  • WELL-BEING AND SERENITY : for anyone who wants escape, far from the stresses of everyday life, releasing all tensions, finding good quality sleep and inner well-being in complete serenity.

All programmes begin with a Tanita assessment, which is essential as it is the starting point for setting and achieving goals.
Depending on the chosen programme, in addition to this initial assessment we offer: face or body treatments, cryotherapy sessions, private sports coaching, osteopathy and/or nutrition consultations, Icoone sessions and access to the legendary Molitor swimming pools.


    Icoone technology is a revolutionary method that uses micro-stimulation of the connective tissue to give results-drive solutions on the face and body. It promotes lymphatic drainage, combats water retention and cellulite, increases collagen production and leaves the skin smoother and plumped up.


    Body composition analyser that scans the body and provides you with information about your fat mass, muscles, metabolism bone structure and water mass


    Our nutrition expert specialises in weight loss, gut microbiota, chronic pain and inflammation, and sports nutrition.


    Personalised, tailor-made physical support by our certified sports coaches to help you achieve your fitness goals.

  • Intense program : 1 month - 1250€
  • Discovery program : 2 days - 450€
  • Illustration du spa by Clarins
  • Useful informations

    Contact us:
    Phone: +33 01 56 07 10 28 | Email:

    8 avenue de la Porte Molitor – 75016 Paris
    Métro station : Michel Ange Molitor
    Opening hours : 10h00-20h00 - 7j/7
    Service voiturier disponible hors soir de match.
    Pour en savoir plus sur nos offres, connaitre les conditions applicables, obtenir un devis et réserver, merci de nous contacter en utilisant les coordonnées précisées ci-dessus.

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