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Maïté Sant

  • Illustration de Maïté Sant

    It seems like Maïte Sant has always drawn. at every opportunity and with consummate ease. Streaming unfettered from her consciousness, she fires off sketches and portraits.

    At graphic design school, she learnt how to combine modern and classic realms, to shatter the codes. Why not cross these imaginary bridges between painting, graphic arts and advertising? Is it possible to admire church ceilings as contemporary art? Fra angelico like rero? Her answer is yes, you can!

    Her first solo exhibition entitled “ovni” was held at the loft du 34 in May 2017.
    Her work is inspired by the tarot of Marseille (or piedmontese patterns). Hovering between soothsaying, spirituality and medieval history, the theme gives impetus to the artist’s artistic approach.

    See web page
