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Damien-Paul Gal

  • Illustration de Damien-Paul Gal A visual artist performer, born in 1977.

    For a number of years he has been constructing a singular neo-pop art universe based on urban culture. He uses stencils and modern materials like polyethylene from plastic bags and all kinds of recycled matter to denounce consumer society.

    His work is filled with colourful symbols which question the way we consume. This exaggerated use of materials and texts are the direct reflection of what the media chooses to force-feed us, always pushing the public to consider consumption as the new mind-controlling law and religion of the 21st century.

    Through his ability to rapidly integrate the codes of our century, Damien-Paul Gal stands out amongst his generation as a true visionary. He disturbs the collective conscience with his colourful, attractive and dynamic works which somehow manifest the ruptures of our society as it oscillates between crisis and contradiction, desires and possessions.

    See web page
