
Illustration d'arrière plan

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  • Illustration de Kan Born an raised in south of France.

    An anonymous night-time painter, seeking out the best spots in his home-town, Kan was first plunged into graffiti when he went to Paris for the first time.

    Associated with BOM.K for quite a long time, he joined DA MENTAL VAPORZ (BPM.K BLO BRUSK DRAN GRIS1 ISO JAW KAN LEK SOWAT) in 2000 just after moving to Paris to continue his successful career as movement designer. As a collective they started producing walls-paintings throughout the southern suburbs of Paris.

    Kan combines his passion for it, video and traditional graffiti techniques to deform his name in thousands of ways and then digitise his text into pixels.

    First of, a series of points hypnotises the on looker, suddenly linking together in the mind to make up a portrait, a familiar form.

    See web page
